Zuhor gets Learner Driver licence with the help of You Belong's English classes

Zuhor arrived in Australia as a refugee in 2019 with her husband and two young children.

Wanting to look after her children at home while they were so young, TAFE was not an option for this family. When Zuhor started studying English several months ago she was unable to say her address. She lacked confidence in her ability to learn.

It took 3 weeks for Zuhor to learn her address. First week she learnt the number and street name. She was encouraged to practice with her husband every day between classes.

The second week she came back having learnt the first part, then she added the suburb and town. The third week she added state, country and postcode.

Now, she attends two classes each week and has come ahead in leaps and bounds - she's even passed her Learner driver test and will go for her full licence soon.

She's much more willing to come up and engage in conversation and "give it a go".

Thanks to the generous donors at Little Phil we're able to continue empowering women like Zuhor in our English classes. You too can be part of the good work by joining our monthly giving community.
👉 www.youbelong.org.au/the-neighbourhood

Tim Buxton

Social entrepreneur, performance coach, motivational speaker, podcast host and the founder of You Belong.


Kamal's story


Hana's story of displacement