Ukraine, a former Soviet republic, has deep economic, cultural and political connections with Russia, however the annexation of Crimea in 2014 caused considerable strain on the relationship and ensuing hostilities have claimed more than 14,000 lives. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the conflict has escalated dramatically.
As of June 2022, UNHCR reports that one third of Ukrainians have had to evacuate their homes resulting in the largest human displacement crisis in the world today. Over 8 million are displaced within Ukraine and 15.7 million people are in urgent need of basic essentials – food, water, medicine – as well as protection and support.
City of Kabul, Ukraine since the Russian invasion March 2022
Leaving their homes with the few possessions they can carry more than 6 million Ukrainian refugees have fled to neighbouring countries, Poland receiving the vast majority. A remarkable response has been witnessed right across Europe with citizens giving generously and opening their homes to provide a safe sanctuary for the mainly women, children and elderly male refugees. Some have made their way to countries further afield – UK, US, Canada, NZ, Australia.
Around 3,000 Ukrainians have arrived in Australia since the war began. While safety and basic needs are being met, adjusting to a new life in a foreign country is not without its challenges – negotiating the complicated visa application processes, accessing health services, learning a new language. Furthermore, they are struggling with the trauma and grief of living in a war zone, losing loved ones and seeing their homes destroyed. You Belong, with a solid track record of helping refugees settle into Australia, is already making meaningful connections with new arrivals and providing them with support.
Follow the links at the bottom of the page to hear the story of a 10 year-old girl who travelled alone from her home in Ukraine to Australia.
Back in the Ukraine, the needs of the 8 million displaced people who remain within the country present enormous challenges. Aid and relief efforts are being hindered by the intensity and scale of the conflict and many aid workers are risking their lives to ensure that much-needed supplies and practical assistance reaches those who need it. Humanitarian organisations, governments, charities, schools, churches and individuals from all around the world have rallied to respond with resources to meet the needs created by this extraordinary crisis - providing essential food and non-food items, winter clothes, shelter materials and medical equipment. People around the world, including many Australians have contributed to the cause of the displaced Ukrainians. Our gifts and prayers will be needed for some time to come.
Written by Shirley Wainwright
Meet my valiant new friend, Victoria Yankevych from Ukraine.
She fled to Australia leaving her father and mother behind. Her father is fighting on the frontline defending his home land.
Her mother is too scared to allow her daughter to remain after bombs started falling closer to their home town.
Now in Australia, she will begin her journey towards a new life away from war and violence with a wonderful school community welcoming her in.
Grateful for the opportunity to spend time with her and champion the amazing @caloundrachristiancollege as the empower Waymakers like Victoria.
Written by Tim Buxton from You Belong team
Tim Buxton, Jordan, Ashley Hodges and Ukrainian girl Victoria and a fellow student
Ashley Hodges and Tim Buxton with Veronika (host parent) and Victoria
Watch and read Victoria’s incredible story in the news:
The Move2Belong Challenge - Ukraine
For the month of June, 150+ participants are moving the distance of a refugee migration route in solidarity with those displaced by war and conflict. One of the migration routes features Ukraine and is 800km - the distance from Kyiv, Ukraine to Warsaw, Poland.
Trent Raddatz, a Sunshine Coast man and father of 4, has committed to doing 800km for the month of June. Trent is running, biking and paddling to move for the millions, just like young Victoria, and raise funds for refugees to belong and thrive. Trent has raised $900 so far.
Trent with his GEOquest team doing 280km over 48 hours
Move2Belong - Ukraine