A Long Road to Recovery for Earthquake Victims
As the shocking reports of the widespread destruction and loss of life caused by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey and Syria filter to the rest of the world, our thoughts and prayers turn towards those who have lost loved ones, homes, and the entire infrastructure of their communities.
With more than 40,000 dead (and the number expected to rise), thousands injured or displaced, and rescuers working against the clock to free any remaining survivors from the ruins, the needs are mounting by the day. The window of opportunity for rescuing those trapped under the rubble is rapidly closing, yet as stories of courage and miraculous survival emerge many continue to hope that their loved ones will be found alive. Those who have survived face an uncertain future marred by the many layers of loss they have suffered.
The series of earthquakes, some as high as magnitude 7.8, over a period of several hours on Monday 6th February 2023, have devastated large areas of southern Turkey and northern Syria, impacting some 23 million people. In a region already suffering the effects of years of civil war, current rescue efforts are being hampered by destroyed roads, poor internet connections, freezing temperatures and overall poverty.
Humanitarian aid organisations are appealing for much needed resources – clean water, food blankets, shelter, medical supplies. The road to recovery will be a long one. How can I give?
You Belong is well acquainted with the region, the people and their culture. Since the not-for-profit organisation’s inception in 2017, it has been instrumental in helping many Syrian refugees settle into Australia. We stand with them in their grief, many of them having lost loved ones, and the heartbreak of knowing that their homeland is suffering yet another crisis.
You Belong team visiting with Syrian refugee Waymakers in Instanbul, Turkey
You Belong’s leadership team visited Turkey as recently as July 2022 and has already forged strong ties with communities of Syrian refugees who were displaced due to war and persecution.
Please read this urgent message from on the ground in Turkey:
Many of our refugee community in Istanbul, who are Kurdish Syrians, have lost their immediate family members during the earthquake. Brother M, lost his brother and his wife with their four children in addition to other cousins. Brother S lost his cousin and his two daughters. The list will go on and on.
Those who survived are homeless now without food, roof, medicine, milk, diapers for children and more. The situation is beyond what words can describe as I receive photos and news constantly from there. We want as a community to help those who lost everything and bring comfort and relief in this horrible situation. Will you help send some funds and aid for those bereaved families immediately. If you wish to help, all donations will go directly to the families. Please continue to pray for the situation!
The affected communities in Turkey and Syria are in dire need of our help and support. You can be a part of You Belong’s initiative to bring much needed essential supplies to those whose lives have been devastated by this worst earthquake event in the region in one hundred years. Your donation will be given to Syrian families impacted by the earthquake crisis. Give today