The power of welcome

A Syrian refugee who has been in Australia for 18 months joyfully welcomes a family friend who has just arrived to Australia after life in a war zone. They share a connection that not many Aussies can truly understand; carrying the traumas of war to process and heal from, while being overwhelmingly thankful for the rare opportunity to start a fresh life abroad. They are especially relieved that their children are safe from physical harm and the persecutions suffered from ISIS militants due to their Christian faith. 

The Syrian man, who we will call Shane, is a father of two school aged boys. "When I lived in Syria, I was just trying to survive and keep my family alive. Syria had no future for my sons. But in Australia we can have a future, and a good future too” says Shane.

Refugees like Shane are often called ‘the lucky ones’ because they got a golden ticket to Aus. But in reality their stories leading up to this point have been anything but lucky and they have often suffered much loss. Shane is currently studying English language at TAFE and is hoping to get a job soon to support his family and contribute to the local community.

Despite his story, Shane wears a huge smile ‘Australia is my home’ he says as he wraps himself in an Australian flag with tender appreciation and pride.

Welcoming refugees in our communities isn’t hard to do. A warm handshake, a friendly smile, a listening ear or a shared meal are simple acts of kindness that go a long way for someone rebuilding their life. When you meet a refugee remember they often have a unique story and your kind hospitality can be part of their story of healing and belonging.

Tim Buxton

I am a social impact entrepreneur, leader and communicator, fascinated about the art of building and leading organisations and communities that inspire joy, wonder, adventure and belonging.

First GROW classes graduate!


Our condolences to the Yezidi people